Caper selects passionate, talented purveyors and enables discovery of their signature dishes based on customer mood, taste profile, and location.
You list your signature dishes on Caper. We direct customers straight to those dishes that they’re craving for pick-up.
Our high-definition, beautiful, drool-worthy photos of your dishes, easy online ordering, and special rewards also keep customers coming back for more.
No more costly delivery woes. New customers will come to you.
We aim to empower local purveyors and home chefs, connect them to their community, and build lasting relationships between them and their customers.
Since the best meals are often backed by great stories, we feature your story, personality, and inspiration on the app, letting customers see the incredible people behind the plate.
We treat all our purveyors with lots of love by championing them at events, spouting our blessings on social media, and getting new customers to walk through your door.
Our Purveyor App is a powerful tool for easy order management. Key features include:
The better you do, the better we do — we want you to succeed!